How To Recover Airtime Credit From An Unused Damaged Safaricom Scratch Card Voucher.

A good number of Kenyans prefer reloading their Safaricom airtime through actual scratch vouchers compared to the M-PESA option which can be accessed via the SIM toolkit option.

Although the latter may offer some form of convenience, it also requires one to have adequate funds in their M-PESA wallet in-order to effect the airtime purchase transaction.

In the absence of such funds, airtime vouchers are the last resort.

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However, such vouchers also hold some disadvantages of their own in that they can easily be misplaced or suffer some form of damage either through water, tearing or bad ‘scratching’ of the silver ‘scratch-off’ area responsible for revealing the reload codes.

Luckily, such damages are manageable and may not necessarily translate to any loss.

If you happen to damage your Safaricom airtime voucher such that some parts of the codes are illegible or irretrievable, you have no need for concern, just follow the below procedure for free.

See also  How To Convert Safaricom Credit Back To Mpesa For Free!

First, you need to dial the Safaricom care hotline number 100 or 234.

Once you get through to a Safaricom agent, state your issue which is basically the inability to reload Safaricom airtime due to a damaged voucher.

The agent will therefore ask you for any or all of the below details which you MUST provide in-order to successfully reload the airtime.

  • Voucher serial number- This is the 17-digit number found at the bottom of the voucher card.
  • Number you want to recharge the airtime with
  • Your registered names

Once you provide the above, you are good to go. Your number will be loaded with the airtime value of the scratch card that was damaged.


8 Responses

  1. Annabel says:

    It’s not convenient


    Hi ,concern about damaged scratch cards ,please you should come up with a away that is convenient to customer that is procedural for not all people are near agents or offices but end up losing money by throwing away the cards e.g it has happen to me several times that has made me googol yet no certify answer to my problem. Regards.

  3. Samuel says:

    Followed the procedure, then I was adviced to visit Safaricom Care desk. So frustrating.

  4. Anonymous says:

    I have a airtime worthy 250 and have noticed it has expired what do I do

  5. Anonymous says:

    Safaricom is under-performing and so frustrating. I followed and was to visit the nearest safaricom shop. Eeeeew! So dumb of a suggestion.

  6. Tonny Manji says:

    my 50 worth airtime has been damaged what should i do?

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