How To Reset Equity Mobile Banking PIN

How To Reset Equity Mobile Banking PIN [2022]

In a bid to adapt to the digital era, most Kenyan banks have shifted their efforts from conventional banking methods to building robust digital channels that can efficiently provide their services remotely to their customers.

One example of a Kenyan bank that has invested heavily on digital channels is Equity bank. Through its eazzy banking app, equity Ussd, EazzyNet, eazzyFX, eazzyBiz, equitel, eazzyAPI, eazzyChama and eazzyloan, Equity bank offers a comprehensive range of financial products and services to existing and potential customers.

However, to gain access to one’s account through either of the digital channels, one requires a mobile banking PIN. A mobile banking PIN refers to the pin used to access an Equity account either through equitel or eazzy247.

For one to get an equity mobile banking PIN, one has to have a mobile banking account and to do that, one has to be a member of Equity bank.

In case you do not have an Equity bank account, you can easily open one using a smartphone.

How To Open Equity Account Using *247#

  • Dial *247#
  • Select your preferred language i.e English or Kiswahili
  • Choose option 2: Open a mobile account
  • Enter your first name
  • Enter your last name
  • Enter your ID number
  • Accept the terms and privacy policy conditions by selecting option 1
  • Set and confirm your 4-digit m-banking PIN

Once successful, you will receive an SMS with your account number and m-banking PIN.The Equity m-banking PIN can now be used for all future access to your Equity account.

However, there are instances where one can forget the pin. If this happens, follow the below procedure to retrieve it.

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How To Reset Equity Mobile Banking PIN

For security reasons, one can only reset equity mobile banking PIN by visiting any of the nearest equity bank branches with an original national ID card.

Once the process is successful, a new PIN will be sent via SMS.


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