This Is Why There Are Two Versions Of Saida Loan App Available In The Playstore

Saida Loan App

Saida loan app users may be wondering why there are 2 versions of the Saida loan app in the playstore.

Well, this seems like a deliberate action undertaken by the providers in product diversification in-order to cater to users with limited storage space in their devices.

In short, one is but a smaller version of the other commonly referred to as lite version.

Lite version app refers to an app with limited features of a standard version, thus is much smaller in size and takes up less space when installed.

What are these features? you might ask.

Well, we already did the hard part so our readers don’t have to 🙂

Below, we highlight some of the features that set the 2 versions apart. (Besides the obvious colors of course)

1. Size

Right off the bat, you will notice the difference in sizes upon installation.

From the below, you will notice that the lite version is 23.58 MB while the standard version is 37.18 MB

Saida Loan App Size Comparisons

2. Payment

In the lite version, payments can only be made to only 3 categories i.e Airtime, electricity and water.

In the Standard version, payments can be made to a wide range of categories including electricity, TV, internet, banks and even Saccos.

Saida Loan App Payment

3. Send Money Feature

The standard version has this feature while the lite version lacks.

4. Buy goods (Till) and Paybill feature.

With the standard version, one is able to make manual payments to any Paybill/Buy goods merchant.

The lite version does not have this option.

5. Add Money Feature

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With this feature, users are able to add money to their Saida wallet accounts directly from their M-PESA accounts.

This is only available in the standard version of the Saida loan app.

6. Clear from CRB feature

Defaulters who are listed by CRB can use this feature to see their loan details as well as the exact date they were listed.

This option can also be used to clear their outstanding amounts and get de-listed.

Saida Loan App Features

7. Referral bonus

Users can now invite friends via referral link and save 58% in fees. i.e they can send each other money at low charges compared to the normal M-PESA rates.

Users who would like to download either of the 2 versions, can download them via the below links.


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