4 Places To Buy A Laptop Via Installments In Kenya

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The allure of being able to earn money online with flexible work hours has led many Kenyans to search for online opportunities such as freelance writing jobs, transcription, data entry, web development, graphic design, blogging, copy-writing, content marketing, virtual assistance etc

As such, the Kenyan government has also fostered such ambitions through the establishment of the Ajira platform which seeks to provide basic, intermediate and advanced digital skills in a bid to lower the unemployment gap by encouraging self employment.

However in order to fully focus on an online career, one crucial equipment is required i.e a laptop/computer.

Depending on the workload at hand, there are various types of laptops catering for different purposes and set at different price points that may at times be out of reach for some people.

Fortunately, there are Kenyan platforms with which one can use to buy laptops in installments and they include;

  1. Lipa MosMos
  2. Lipa Later
  3. FlexPay
  4. Aspira
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1. Buy Laptop Via Installment Using Lipa MosMos

Lipamos1Lipa MosMos is a buy now, pay later product financing option that requires no credit check, lacks interest charges, requires minimal deposit of Kes100 for item booking and offers a repayment duration of upto 3 months.

To buy a laptop, simply follow the below steps

Go to the online Lipa MosMos laptop category

Search for your desired laptop by using the filter to sort via price, ID or best seller

Click on the selected product to view its specs

Tap on the ‘Click to order’ button

Input your personal details such as full name, phone number, delivery details and click ‘Proceed to order’ to receive an M-Pesa prompt requiring your M-Pesa PIN to complete the transaction.

You will receive an SMS confirmation message containing your order ID to be used for all future payments.

Future payments can be made via M-Pesa using the details below;

Paybill number: 4040299
Account number: Order ID

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2. Buy Laptop Via Installments Using Lipa Later

Lipalater1Lipa later is a buy now, pay later product financing option that performs credit checks before assigning credit limits upto a maximum of Kes200,000 at 4.2% interest repayable upto 12 months with no initial deposit requirements.

To buy a laptop, simply;

Navigate directly to the online Lipalater laptop category

Locate your specific laptop by brand or price

Click on the laptop to be purchased, tap ‘Add to cart’ and ‘Proceed to Checkout’

At the checkout, provide your details such as first & last name, phone, email address, delivery point and any other additional info regarding the purchase.

Once done, proceed to ‘Place order’

Payments are made via M-Pesa using the details below;

Paybill number: 174199
Account number: LP

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3. Buy Laptop Via Installments Using FlexPay

Flexpay1FlexPay is a buy now, pay later product financing option that requires no credit checks, has zero interest rate and requires an initial Kes500 minimum deposit with a 90-day repayment period

To buy a laptop;

Go to FlexPay online laptop section

Select desired laptop and click to view its specs

Click on ‘Save with FlexPay’

Enter your full name, email address, phone number and initial deposit then click ‘Make booking’ to receive an M-Pesa prompt requiring M-Pesa PIN

Future payments can be made via the till number 700164

4. Buy Laptop Via Installments Using Aspira

Aspira is a buy now, pay later application that requires prior credit checks, M-Pesa/bank statements before assigning credit limits.

The credit limits range between Kes10,000 to Kes500,000 with a 3-7% interest rate for a period of 12 months

To buy a laptop via Aspira, visit any of the Aspira retail partners dealing in electronics. They include; complandshop.com, OfficeMart, Textbook centre etc

1 Response

  1. October 23, 2022

    […] service covers a range of categories including computing, hardware & construction, furniture, home improvement, gaming, phones & tablets […]

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